Nevada Fishing Makes a Comeback | Nevada Fishing 2017

Several years of record drought in Nevada has been followed by a year of record precipitation. Nevada fishing is back.   Whether looking at the state overall or by region, Nevada angler's expect an exciting year of fishing.  Although the terrain and temperature of Nevada fishing waters can vary greatly, one thing's for certain, there's [...]

2017-06-11T21:01:34+00:00June 11th, 2017|Fishing, Fly Fishing, Spin Fishing|

Truckee River Fishing is Coming Back in 2017 | Fishing Nevada

After years of lackluster fishing on the Truckee River due to drought conditions, Nevada anglers finally have something to look forward to when it comes to fishing the Truckee in 2017.   Originating at Lake Tahoe, the Truckee River flows 1100 miles northeast through Truckee California, down into Reno, with the final destination being Pyramid Lake. One of the [...]

Pyramid Lake Fishing Update | Spring Fishing at Pyramid Lake 2017

Pyramid Lake Fishing has re-opened at limited beaches and so far,        fishing is reported as good!   Thanks to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe for their efforts in re-opening some beaches at Pyramid Lake after damaging winter floods.  Low water temps and rising lake levels have contributed to a whole new kind of fishing at [...]

Fishing Nevada in 2016 | Increased Stream Flows for Nevada Anglers

The last four to five years of drought conditions have severely impacted Nevada streams, with wild fish populations being primarily affected with low stream flows, especially in Northern Nevada. With more normal precipitation patterns occurring in the winter of 2015, there may be a chance of wild fish recovery, and importantly, a chance for Nevada [...]

Hoping for Fish Water | The Future of Nevada Fishing

      Decreasing open waters throughout the state have led to officials to lift fish limits in some areas, and alter fish stocking patterns to maintain consistency in Nevada's still fishable waters.  However some Nevada anglers have called for more intervention on the part of wildlife officials.       As one of Nevada's most [...]

Nevada Drought Conditions Prompt Early Fish Stocking | Western Nevada Fishing

For the second straight year, NDOW has begun stocking fish months ahead of schedule......   As Nevada enters a fourth straight year of drought conditions, the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has begun stocking trout in Western Nevada waterways to increase the chance of survival for the fish.     The continued drought will likely mean decreased water flows as we [...]

2015-02-25T20:36:31+00:00February 25th, 2015|Fishing, Fly Fishing, Spin Fishing|

Welcome to Sierra Nevada Bass Club!

            Nevada Outdoorsman Unlimited is happy to welcome Sierra Nevada Bass Club to our resource listing of Nevada's Fishing Clubs and Conservation organizations! Ried Bridges, President, gives a synopsis of their organization......     "The Club meets the first Thursday of each month in Carson City (directions on website at Club has 10 tournaments scheduled for 2013, including a 60-boat Open.  [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:46+00:00November 8th, 2012|Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fly Fishing, Spin Fishing|

Nevada Fishing Conservation-The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited

       Nevada Outdoorsman Unlimited is proud to feature links to our state's hunting and fishing clubs and conservation organizations.  This week we are highlighting the efforts of the Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU)- Thanks to Mike Caltagirone, past president and current board member of the Sagebrush Chapter of TU, we have been given an [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:49+00:00August 30th, 2012|Fishing, Fly Fishing, Nevada Outdoorsman, Spin Fishing|

Nevada Fishing-Be Aware of Tagged Fish!

          An interesting note for Nevada fishing in the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area!  The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has reported a growth and catch rate study is underway and 4,000 fish have been tagged that were planted during 2010 and 2011 into the Hinkson Slough.  Anglers are being advised by NDOW to look closely next to the dorsal fin of each [...]

2012-08-19T21:32:31+00:00August 19th, 2012|Fishing, Fly Fishing, Locations, Spin Fishing|

Nevada Hunting and Fishing Hotspot

      Did you know a high desert area of North Central Nevada offers dual opportunities for both hunting and fishing within close proximity?  If you've drawn your tag for unit 6, you may be familiar with the terrain and habitat for big game, but be sure to bring your fishing license as well!   Wild Horse Reservoir and Wilson Reservoir are nestled within unit [...]