Each Nevada Memorial Day, we start anticipating the upcoming hunting and fishing season in the Silver State.  We look forward to finding out the draw results for big game tags, prepare our gear, and start scouting the landscape.



We can hardly wait to get out again to enjoy the stark beauty of Nevada….




Sun set in the Nevada desert


But still, we forget…….



The evolution of our liberty, including our hunting and fishing heritage, comes at a price. We are able to enjoy our freedom only because of individuals who put on the uniform, reported for duty, and paid the ultimate sacrifice.  Even as early as the American Revolution, brave soldiers fought and died for the fundamental right to live in a free society.  These soldiers envisioned a country where citizens had the right to bear arms not only for security, but simply to be able to hunt the land for meat and nourishment, free from tyranny and restraint.



In more recent times, brave warriors still sign up for the cause without hesitation.  Many serve and return, however many have not returned.  Yet still, we continue to enjoy our individual freedoms on a daily basis, often without thought of how many lives have been sacrificed to get us to this point in time.



So as we prepare this season and every season for enjoying Nevada’s great outdoors-


Never forget.