Nevada hunterWith August bringing in Nevada archery season, Nevada hunters in the field may have missed the reminder from Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) regarding the upcoming upland game season.


The Harvest Information Program or “HIP” validation number will be required for Nevada bird hunting season, and according to NDOW, game wardens will be routinely looking for HIP numbers when checking Nevada hunting licenses.


Hunters must first obtain their hunting license, then register with NDOW for the HIP number via the internet or by telephone.  There is no charge.  After obtaining the HIP number, the hunter must write the number on the designated space on his/her license.  All Nevada upland game hunters age 12 years or older must comply with the regulation.


 What’s the purpose of this program?


HIP information assists state wildlife experts in formulating estimates of migratory birds not just here in Nevada, but throughout the country.  Through HIP registration, each state’s wildlife agency collects the migratory bird hunter’s name, address and additional information.  The information is then ultimately sent to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and random samples of hunters are queried regarding the type and number of migratory birds harvested during upland game season, aiding in reliable harvest estimates.


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