Nevada Hunting – Wrapping up the big game season-chukar season in full swing!

With the coming of the new year, Nevada big game seasons have also wrapped up for 2012.  With the passing of January 1st, seasons for mule deer antlered archery, sheep and cow elk have drawn to a close.   Snow and frigid temperatures in Eastern and Western Nevada regions offer an opportunity for chukar seasoned hunters may be aware, cold [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:45+00:00January 13th, 2013|Hunting, Hunting Topics|

Nevada Waterfowl Hunting-Stillwater Wildlife Refuge

Northern Nevada waterfowl season will start picking up with the changing weather conditions in the northern area of the Great Basin-    Recent waterfowl hunters reported that Stillwater conditions were initially slow, althought there were plenty of birds in the big lakes.  Bird movement started when weather conditions changed early last week. Thereare reportedly plenty of widgeon, teal, [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:45+00:00December 2nd, 2012|Hunting, Hunting Topics|

Nevada Hunting-Archery Season Drawing to a Close

    Meet Bob, field representative for Nevada Outdoorsman Unlimited........ Bob's been bow hunting throughout Nevada for the past 30 years-he got lucky as the Nevada bow season is drawing to a close-this nice buck, still in velvet........     According to Bob, and as most bow hunters are thoroughly aware, archery hunting can be a challenge, but you gain a [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:49+00:00September 2nd, 2012|Hunting Topics|