Pyramid Lake Fishing Opener is Sunday, October 1st
Getting back out onto Nevada’s Pyramid Lake
Fishing Native Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
The fishing season for one of Nevada’s best fishing waters is about to open this weekend. Located in Northern Nevada and owned and managed by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Pyramid Lake is a world class fishery that offers anglers an opportunity to fish for native Lahontan Cutthroat Trout.
Pyramid Lake Fisheries is advising the public that many of the usual beaches are shorter this year due to record precipitation leading to increased water levels. Reports indicate that the last time the water levels were this high in the lake was October 2012. Although the same number of anglers can likely be accommodated, parking and camping areas may be more limited. Other beaches are closed all together. Be sure to check beach availability prior to heading out.
Licenses are of course required, and anglers can save time by purchasing on-line at