In the coming weeks, Nevada Outdoorsman Unlimited will be featuring various efforts of Nevada hunting and fishing conservation organizations.          We recently spoke with Pyke Bowles, Nevada President of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), with chapters in Carson City, Elko, Wells, and Battle Mountain……..


Can you tell us a little about NWTF’s wild turkey restoration/conservation programs here in Nevada?


The NWTF has been partnering with NDOW for 15 years now to find and approve suitable habitat in Nevada for wild turkey restoration.  In that time we have had several areas approved; we have released birds trapped in other states into these approved areas. The results have been very good to not so good. The trap & release efforts have resulted in several areas seeing a bird re-production average to be able to grant a hunting season with limited tags.


It appears the most prevalent sub-species of wild turkey here in Nevada is the Rio Grande… have there ever been any other sub-species that have been transplanted  here in the state?


The Rio Grande sub-species has been the most prevalent, however we did introduce 51 Merriam’s birds along the Bruneau river a few years back and from all reports they are doing fair at this time.


From the information on your website, it’s clear that NWTF is committed to habitat conservation and restoration for a number of Nevada wildlife species in addition to the wild turkey-are there any other game species that have benefitted from NWTF’s efforts?


I believe all of Nevada’s wildlife benefits from the habitat projects of the NWTF; our riparian projects along streams and fields improve food sources and cover benefitting not only game birds, but also big game.


Currently, how many members are a part of the Nevada NWTF?  Are there different locations, and how would someone interested in becoming a member get involved?


We don’t keep a count of current members, however there are currently 4 chapters in Nevada and we are actively searching for people to help us start chapters in Ely, Reno and Carson City, and anyone interested in becoming a member or starting a chapter may contact me directly (


Are there any upcoming projects that the Nevada NWTF Chapters are planning?


At this time of year, we are usually done with our projects (we’re mostly a spring time bunch of people), but we are looking into the “Adopt-a-Street” program in Elko County now. Some of our other programs include, fund raising heritage banquets, Women in the Outdoors weekends, Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship, tree planting days, calling contests and of course, turkey releases.


What is the most important message about NWTF that you would like our website users to be aware of?


We are very proud that the money raised in Nevada stays in Nevada, and that we are helping build a stronger, healthier wildlife population in this state.


For more information on the Nevada NWTF, please see their website at at


If you would like to learn more about Nevada hunting and fishing conservation efforts, be sure to check out the Clubs/Conservation links within our “Hunting” and “Fishing” categories…….