For hunters who failed to draw a big game tag, the Nevada Chukar Hunting Season opened October 12th-you now have your opportunity to get out and do some hunting in Nevada’s outdoors.


The chukar season will run through February 2nd, 2013, and according to NDOW, Nevada averages approximately 12,000 chukar hunters a year. If you’re new to Nevada chukar hunting, you can familiarize yourself with areas identified in the NDOW 2013-14 Chukar Forecast as a regional guide for chukar prevalence: 2013-Chukar-Forecast


With Nevada experiencing a second year of dry conditions through most regions, chukar will likely be found closest to natural or guzzler water sources.  When the snow falls, the birds will seek lower elevations on the sunnier sides of hills in search of forage not covered by snow-pack.


Be aware of weather conditions as they change throughout the season, and pay special attention to the amount water both you and your dog will require during a predictably strenuous hunt. Throughout many regions of Nevada temperatures will remain quite warm throughout early fall, so you will want to prepare and outfit accordingly.



TIP:  Ask the Nevada big game hunters where they may have seen or heard chukar on their hunt this summer……



Make sure you have your HIP number written on your hunting license, and of course, an upland game bird stamp is required.   Visit for further information regarding upland game regulations.