Awaiting Nevada Upland Game and Furbearer Seasons and Limits for 2014

Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to meet in August to set 2014 Upland Game, Migratory Upland Game, and Furbearer Seasons and Limits   According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife, the Board will meet in early August in Fallon to set the 2014-15 season and limits for upland game and furbearer species.    With Nevada trapping season typically [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:18+00:00June 30th, 2014|Hunting, Hunting Topics|

Nevada Antelope Populations | Big Game Species Competing for Resources

A recent scouting trip reveals Nevada big game populations may be in serious competition for water resources......   During a recent scouting trip to Unit 012 in the Northwestern part of the state, we observed obvious signs of the current drought, a situation creating impact for Nevada Antelope, as well as other Nevada big game species.   A survey [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:18+00:00June 5th, 2014|Big Game, Homepage Feature, Hunting|

Nevada Bighorn Ewe Hunts | Ensuring Long Term Success of the Bighorn Population in Nevada

During this weekend's meeting of the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners, big game tag ratios are expected to be determined.  Notably, the number of ewe tags for Nevada's 2014 big game season will be set.     State wildlife biologists are expected to recommend issuing approximately 100 tags for the ewe hunt, with a projected 15 tags for California [...]

2020-02-19T22:18:19+00:00May 8th, 2014|Big Game, Hunting, License & Tags, Locations|

Regulations for Shed Antler Hunting in Nevada- Opinions in the Aftermath

  After the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners voted unanimously in March to regulate antler shed hunting, opinions vary across the state...   Based on the potential impact affecting wintering deer and elk populations, the Commission voted to prohibit antler shed hunting in Nevada from January 1st through April 15th.   The practice of hunting [...]

2014-05-03T20:27:18+00:00May 3rd, 2014|Big Game, Homepage Feature, Hunting, Hunting Topics|

Big Game Deadline Approaching for Nevada Hunts

You have hopefully already mailed your Nevada big game application.........   Monday, April 21st is the deadline for NDOW big game applications for the upcoming hunting season.  The on-line application cut-off time is 11pm......   If you are still contemplating which species/units to apply for, NOU recommends accessing the NDOW statistics and draw odds to make [...]

2014-04-19T19:57:47+00:00April 19th, 2014|Big Game, Bowhunting, Hunting, Hunting Topics|