With the deadline drawing near for applying for 2017 Nevada big game tags, you will need to make a decision soon about where and what to hunt…..there’s a few things to keep in mind~
- About 80% of Nevada land is federally owned-giving Nevada hunters increased opportunity to hunt on thousands of acres of pristine wildlife habitat. You have lots of terrain options when hunting Nevada, so start doing your homework now.
- Beware of overlap-there are notable overlap of hunt seasons this year in 2017. Make sure you don’t sell yourself short if you are applying for several different tags.
- Know your stats-there are resources available from Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) regarding previous hunt years that will give you an idea of overall hunt results and basic tag demand.
- It’s your responsibility-regulations and changes to big game seasons happen every year-make sure you’re up to date on the most current information from NDOW.
A helpful resource-
NOU’s Events Calendars gives you a point of reference for the 2017 Nevada Big Game opening and closing dates/species/weapons. We’ll keep you up to date!
Application deadline is Monday, April 17th