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So far nevadaoutdoors has created 179 blog entries.

    Nevada Big Game Draw 2018

    Friday is the Day for Nevada Big Game Hunters 2018   We've all been waiting to find out the results of the 2018 Nevada Big Game Draw, and we'll have draw results when Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) releases the announcement on Friday, May 25th.   It seems that every year, life revolves around the draw results.  Whether [...]

      A Return to Nevada Waterfowl Hunting | Hunting Nevada 2017

      Nevada Waterfowl Hunting 2017 An opportunity to extend the  Nevada Hunting Season   With cooler weather upon us, now is the time to plan a Nevada waterfowl hunt.  Waterfowl hunting in Nevada is an under-utilized resource, and can be an excellent way to keep your Nevada hunting season active into early 2018.  Waterfowl season officially kicked off in September, and will [...]

        Fishing Opener for Pyramid Lake | Fishing Nevada for LCT

        Pyramid Lake Fishing Opener is Sunday, October 1st Getting back out onto Nevada's Pyramid Lake Fishing Native Lahontan Cutthroat Trout   The fishing season for one of Nevada's best fishing waters is about to open this weekend.  Located in Northern Nevada and owned and managed by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Pyramid Lake is a world class fishery that offers anglers an opportunity to [...]

        2020-02-19T22:18:05+00:00September 30th, 2017|Fishing, Fishing Feature, Locations, Uncategorized|

          Nevada Chukar Hunting | The Reality of Nevada’s Wildlife Habitat

          The 2017 Nevada Chukar Forecast didn't reveal the numbers we'd been hoping for, but there may be some strategies for Nevada Chukar Hunters to consider for the upcoming upland game season.   Nevada Department of Wildlife's (NDOW) release of this year's chukar forecast reveals a decrease in observed chukar populations of 27% compared to last season, [...]

            Nevada Upland Game Season 2017 | Nevada Chukar Season Not Far Away

            The dates are in for Nevada Upland Game Season 2017   Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has released dates and limits for Nevada's 2017 Upland Game Season, which does include of course, long awaited Nevada chukar season.   Get ready for chukar season opener on October 14th, statewide.  We're eagerly awaiting the 2017-18 Nevada chukar forecast, with NDOW [...]

              Nevada Wildfires | Affecting Nevada Hunting Season 2017 and Beyond

              A wet winter providing plenty of fuel, hot gusty winds, and dry conditions.... all resulting in an extreme Nevada wildfire. Not only will Nevada hunting conditions be affected for 2017, the impact on Nevada wildlife could be felt  for years.      As predicted, the record precipitation occurring over the past winter has created a significant fuel load [...]

                Nevada Upland Game Season 2017 | Wildlife Commission to Announce Dates and Limits

                Getting ready for Nevada's 2017 Upland Game Season   This weekend the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commission recently met in Elko to consider amendments to the current regulations for seasons, bag limits,  and special regulations for upland game birds, wild turkey and furbearer seasons for 2017-18.   Although Nevada upland game hunters tend to watch primarily for chukar [...]

                  Nevada Fishing Makes a Comeback | Nevada Fishing 2017

                  Several years of record drought in Nevada has been followed by a year of record precipitation. Nevada fishing is back.   Whether looking at the state overall or by region, Nevada angler's expect an exciting year of fishing.  Although the terrain and temperature of Nevada fishing waters can vary greatly, one thing's for certain, there's [...]

                  2017-06-11T21:01:34+00:00June 11th, 2017|Fishing, Fly Fishing, Spin Fishing|

                    Winter Kill for Nevada Mule Deer? | Hunting Nevada 2017

                    There's been talk throughout Western States about the possibility of  "winter kill" affecting mule deer populations, but it's unclear if this will be a scenario for Nevada mule deer.   After record precipitation occurring throughout Nevada during the past winter, some Nevada mule deer hunters are wondering how the deer population for their hunt survived.  Winter kill could impact mule deer population [...]

                      Truckee River Fishing is Coming Back in 2017 | Fishing Nevada

                      After years of lackluster fishing on the Truckee River due to drought conditions, Nevada anglers finally have something to look forward to when it comes to fishing the Truckee in 2017.   Originating at Lake Tahoe, the Truckee River flows 1100 miles northeast through Truckee California, down into Reno, with the final destination being Pyramid Lake. One of the [...]